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[转贴] 兵临城下经典台词语录和对白

发表于 2012-8-2 15:37:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Vasilli: The donkey lives longer because he\'s more useful. 瓦西里:驴能够活得更长一些是因为它更有价值。
Tania: There aren\'t any donkeys in the forest, you made it up. 塔妮娅:在森林里并没有驴,是你编造的。
Vassili: Sad to have a dream you know won\'t happen. 瓦西里:令人感到难过的是你可以做梦却明白永远不会成真。

Major K?nig: He isn\'t dead, and do you know why? Because I haven\'t killed him yet. 康尼上校:他还没有死,你知道这是为什么吗?因为我还没有杀死他。  Major K?nig: Once again, he knew exactly where to find me. Don\'t you think that\'s strange? Apart from me, only you knew.
Vasilli: In the forest, the wolf lives for three years and the donkey for nine. 瓦西里:在森林里,狼能活三年而驴可以活九年。
Tania: That must be a proverb from the Urals, it makes no sense to me. 塔妮娅:那一定是起源于乌拉尔地区的谚语,对我来说毫无疑义。    Vassili: All these men here know they\'re going to die. So, each night when they make it back, it\'s a bonus. So, every cup of tea, every cigarette is like a little celebration. You just have to accept that.

Nikita Khrushchev: Vodka is a luxury we have. Caviar is a luxury we have. Time is not. 赫鲁晓夫:对于我们来说,伏特加是奢侈品,但我们有,鱼子酱是奢侈品,但我们也有,时间却不是。
General Paulus: How are you going to go about finding this young Russian? 鲍鲁斯将军:你打算怎样去找这个俄国年轻人?
Major K?nig: I\'ll fix it so that he is the www.yiyyy.com one who finds me. 康尼上校:我会布置好,让他送上门来。  Danilov: Where have you been? We\'ve been looking all over for you. 丹尼洛夫:你去哪儿了?大家都在找你。

Vassili: Oh, did you hear? I was dead. At least, Noble Sniper Zeitsev, Vassili was dead. 瓦西里:哦,你不知道吗?我已经死了。至少,伟大的神枪手瓦西里·泽索夫已经死了。

Nikita Khrushchev: You won\'t give up the bridge. I don\'t care if you lost half yourmen. Lose the other half. Lose yourself.

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